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The Top 7 Myths About Drinking Water

Water is essential for life. We all know that. But what about the water we drink? Is all water safe to drink? And just how much water do we need to drink each day to stay hydrated and healthy? This post will explore the top seven myths about drinking water. We’ll also provide you with the facts about Potable safe drinking water so that you can make informed decisions about how to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy and hydrated.

  1. You can drink any water

It’s always best to play it safe when drinking water. While most water is potable and safe to drink, there are some exceptions. In fact, up to 75% of all water supplies in the United States are not up to par for drinking straight from the tap. This is because municipalities often have to treat water with chlorine and other chemicals to make it safe for human consumption. If you’re ever in doubt about the safety of the local water supply, it’s best to err on the side of caution and stick to bottled or filtered water.

  1. Bottled water is better for you

potable safe drinking water

Do you know what’s in your drinking water? The EPA regulates municipal tap water and must meet strict quality standards. In fact, your tap water is probably safer to drink than most bottled waters. That’s because the FDA doesn’t regulate the safety of bottled water like they do for tap water. Bottled waters can come from any source, including public water systems, private wells and municipal taps. And while many bottled waters are labelled “spring water,” that doesn’t mean they come from an underground spring. It just means the water has been collected at some point after it came out of the ground. So what’s the big deal about drinking water? Tap water is affordable, readily available and environmentally friendly. Bottled water is expensive, often not as readily available, and can be harmful to the environment.

  1. You need eight glasses of water a day

Believe it or not, you don’t need to drink eight glasses of water a day. In fact, that number is a bit of a myth. The recommendation actually comes from a 1945 Food and Nutrition Board report, which suggested consuming 2.5 litres of water per day. However, we now know that how much water you need depends on a variety of factors, like activity level, climate and diet. So if you’re not sweating or peeing a lot, you probably don’t need to drink that much water. Of course, staying hydrated is still important, so drink when you’re thirsty and eat hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables. If you’re looking for an easy way to track your intake, our Aqua H2O Bottle is perfect for on-the-go hydration.

  1. The more water you drink, the healthier you are

Drinking water is crucial for keeping your body healthy and functioning properly, but that doesn’t mean you need to drink gallons upon gallons each day. In fact, over-drinking can actually be harmful to your health. It’s important to listen to your body and drink when you’re thirsty. The amount of water you need varies depending on your gender, weight, activity level and climate. So pay attention to your individual needs and drink accordingly. If you’re curious about how much water you should be drinking each day, check out our handy guide!

  1. Tap water is poisonous

Contrary to popular belief, tap water is not poisonous. In fact, it’s one of the healthiest and most affordable sources of drinking water available. Tap water quality varies depending on your location, but it’s generally safe to drink. There are a number of organisations like the EPA that work to ensure the quality of drinking water in the U.S. and around the world. So don’t be afraid to fill up a glass from the tap—just make sure you filter it if necessary.


As the old saying goes, “you are what you eat.” But to be healthy, you must also drink plenty of water. Contrary to popular belief, however, not all water is created equal. There are many myths and misconceptions about drinking water, but the truth is that not all water is safe or healthy to drink. Below are 7 myths about Potable safe drinking water and their truth.
