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Auto Lube Systems – Everything You Need To Know

Auto lube systems (ALS) have been in use for a number of years. They are used mainly in industrial applications such as mining and steel rolling mills, where continuous steel casting produces a high load on the machine bearings. Continuous operation of such machinery can cause overheating of the bearings due to lack of lubricant while restarting it after shutdown requires time and worker involvement.

Many machines have bearings that need lubrication. This is why we are here to give you some important information about automatic lubrication systems (ALS). We aim to help you understand how they work and what the differences are between them. If you’re an engineer, a manager or an operator of machinery, we are sure you will find our guide useful.

Why Automatic Lubrication Is Important?

Automatic lubrication is an important part of any machine or machine tool. It’s a way to keep the machine running at peak performance, so it will last longer and work better. It’s also a way to make sure that the machine doesn’t get damaged in the process of using it.

The reason why automatic lubrication is so important is that machines run faster than people can think, react and move, which means that they need some help in order to keep them working properly over time. This is where automatic lubrication comes in.

How automatic lubrication system works?

The automatic lubrication system works by injecting oil into the bearings or other moving parts, which reduces friction and increases the efficiency of the machine. It also ensures that all parts are lubricated evenly and there are no spots where lubrication is missing leading to wear and tear.

The auto-lubricator can be either a syringe pump or an electric motor that pumps oil through tubes or hoses connected to each bearing or other moving part.

How are automatic grease systems designed?

Automatic grease systems are designed to provide a controlled supply of lubricant to moving parts. The system consists of a reservoir of grease, a pump and a distribution manifold. The pump moves the grease from the reservoir to the distribution manifold. The distribution manifold distributes the lubricant to each component that needs it.

The grease reservoir is typically located above the point where it’s needed in order to avoid gravity loss during operation. Gravity helps keep the lubricant in place, but it’s not as effective as a pressurized system with nozzles or spray bars that can be aimed directly at components requiring lubrication.

The pump is usually operated by an electric motor with adjustable speed control. This allows you to adjust the rate at which grease is delivered as needed by changing its speed, giving you greater control over how much lubrication is applied and where it goes. For example, if you’re lubricating an axle shaft, you may want more frequent applications of grease than if you were applying it to gears in an engine because gears tend to get more wear than axle shafts over time.

As with most hydraulic systems, automatic grease systems require valves and pressure relief valves (PRVs) to maintain safe operating levels within the system itself while preventing excess pressure from causing damage elsewhere

What is the difference between manual and automatic lubrication systems (ALS)?

Automatic lubrication systems (ALS) are designed to inject oil or grease into bearings automatically, without the need for human intervention. The amount of lubricant used is controlled by a metered pump that delivers a specific amount of oil or grease based on the speed and load conditions of the machine.

Manual lubrication systems require a technician to manually inject oil or grease into bearings. The technician inserts the needle through the bearing cap, then uses a hand pump to force the lubricant into the bearing cavity.

The difference between manual and automatic lubrication systems is that manual systems require human interaction while ALS does not.

So it is concluded that you should use auto lube systems to keep your machine working at its best.
