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Consult orthopaedic doctor if you have these signs

When you think about having an orthopaedic doctor, which one comes to mind? Most likely you picture someone who can fix your broken bones. But did you know that if there’s pain in your back or legs that lasts longer than two weeks, or if you have a loss of control over bowel or bladder function, then it may be time to visit an nairobi spine and orthopaedic centre Nairobi? Let’s look at some common symptoms and how they can indicate a serious problem with the spine.

Pain that gets worse after sitting, standing, or walking.

If you have pain that is getting worse after sitting, standing, or walking—or if it gets better when you move around—you may have a stress fracture. This can happen to anyone whose bones are weak from an injury or illness; it’s also more common in people who are overweight and older than 40 years old.

A stress fracture is an injury to the bone caused by repeated minor stresses on the bone over time (like carrying heavy objects). It usually occurs when there isn’t enough healthy tissue around a fracture site to support weight-bearing activities like walking; therefore your body tries harder than usual to keep up with normal activity levels without actually healing itself properly until all its resources run out!

Weakness, numbness, or tingling in the legs.

There are a few signs that you may have a spinal cord injury. These include

  • Weakness, numbness, or tingling in the legs
  • Pain that gets worse after sitting, standing, or walking (sometimes called “sciatica”)
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control (especially if this is your first time to experience it)

nairobi spine and orthopaedic centre Nairobi

Loss of bowel or bladder control.

If you have lost bowel or bladder control, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner the problem is diagnosed and treated, the better your chances will be at getting back control of your body. If you have bowel or bladder problems and don’t see a doctor right away, they could get worse before they get better.
You should also avoid drinking alcohol if possible because this can further damage your gut wall as well as increase your risk of developing constipation or diarrhea (which also affects bowel function).

Sudden severe back pain that is the worst you’ve ever had.

Sudden severe back pain that is the worst you’ve ever had. The pain may come on suddenly, and it may be so severe that you are unable to move your arms or legs at all. You should see an Health orthopaedic doctor immediately if this happens because there could be serious problems with your spine (back).

Think about seeing an orthopaedic doctor if you have any of these conditions when it comes to your spine.

If you think you are experiencing any of these conditions, it is important to see an orthopaedic doctor. Orthopaedic surgeons can help with back pain, neck pain and sciatica. They also perform spinal fusions in the spine if there is severe damage from arthritis or another condition such as spondylosis or osteoarthritis.


If you have any of these conditions, it’s best to contact an orthopaedic doctor for medical advice.
