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5 Cardinal Rules of Creating SEO-Friendly Content

There’s nothing more frustrating than writing the perfect blog post only to discover that it doesn’t perform well in search engines. This results in lost traffic lost revenue and a frustrated writer who feels like their words are just floating out there with no audience. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way! 

As many seasoned SEO Sydney pros will tell you, creating content that ranks well is all about using the right keywords and formatting them properly so they show up on Google’s SERP (search engine results page) when people search for them. So let’s go over some of the most important rules when it comes to creating SEO friendly content:

Create content that’s easy to digest

  • Use short paragraphs.
  • Use bullet points, lists and subheadings.
  • Give readers a break with images and white space to rest their eyes on.

Do complete keyword research and use your keywords wisely

Keywords are words that people use when searching for something on the internet. If you want to get found by your audience, then you need to make sure that your content includes keywords that match what people are looking for and will help them find what they’re looking for.

Some websites track and analyze the search terms used on their site and use this information to improve their online presence by optimizing their pages based on those terms. This is called keyword research, which consists of finding out what people are searching for and using those terms in their content so they can be found more easily by potential customers or clients.

SEO Sydney Agency

Optimize your images before uploading them

To optimize your images for SEO Sydney and make them more likely to show up in search results, you should:

Use alt tags. Alt text is the alternative text that describes an image for screen readers, as well as for users who can’t see it because of a disability or some other reason (like a slow internet connection). 

Make sure you use relevant keywords in your alt tags so that Google can better understand what each picture is about. For example, if you’re writing an article about Facebook etiquette, consider using “Facebook” as the alt text for any photo of people using Facebook.

Include relevant keywords in the filename of the image file itself. This is another way to tell Google what you’re trying to say with each picture and make them easier to find through search results!

Use relevant keywords in your title, meta description, H1, H2 and body tags

To become a master at keyword targeting, you need to understand the importance of using relevant keywords in your content.

Title Tags:

Use multiple keywords and phrases with hyphens (e.g., “tennis shoes”). This allows Google to recognize that it is the same topic being discussed. 

It also allows the search engine to determine the relevancy of your page to a particular topic or query based on those terms, which helps boost its ranking.

Meta Descriptions:

Make sure they are keyword-rich and include one or two primary keywords that are related to the rest of your site’s content as well as all other topics within it (e.g., “tennis shoes”). 

Be sure these descriptions aren’t too long—about 150 words should do it! While this isn’t an exact science, SEO Sydney Agency generally recommend keeping them under 160 characters for optimal readability and SEO benefit by both users and Google alike!

Break up content with subheadings

One of the most important things you can do to help search engines and readers alike understand your content is to use subheadings. Subheadings help break up long paragraphs, organize your content, make it more scannable for readers, and improve readability.


Following these five cardinal rules will help guide you to creating SEO-friendly content that is both easy for your readers to digest and for search engines to index.
