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4 Types of Osteopathy You Should Know

Many of us visit an Osteopath and opt for a therapy that we didn’t even know about. However, your Osteopathy Croydon will suggest you the right therapy, but doing your homework isn’t going to hurt a bit.

Today, you will get to know about the basic osteopathy types so that you can get the right solution for all your pain.

  1. Structural

Structural Osteopathy is the traditional therapy on which modern therapies have evolved. In this therapy, the osteopath uses manual techniques on the musculoskeletal system. Muscles are stretched and joints are moved so that the treatment can reach the whole body, nervous system, organ function, or blood supply. It is basically based on modern scientific research and still developing as a treatment style.

  1. Classical

This is more traditional than standard osteopathy. Andrew Taylor Still founded osteopathy in the US in 1874. Later, in 1911, it was developed by John Martin Littlejohn introduced osteopathy to England. They developed a system that mobilised the body in such a manner that it impacts the underlying physiology.

Osteopathy Croydon

The primary osteopaths were concerned with the treating systemic infirmity like diphtheria and typhoid rather than narrower musculoskeletal approach. Classical treatment is based on ‘body adjustment’ in which the whole body is involved. Sadly, this type of osteopathy isn’t well understood and only a few osteopaths are remaining who use this approach authentically.

  1. Cranial

It’s a subtle approach that includes a hold of the patient to interrelate with more subtle energies along with fluid dynamics of the body. You can consult the best osteopath Nunawading for more information.

  1. Visceral

This osteopathy type is all about a relationship between organs (digestive or respiratory system) and the physical structure of the body. Poor lifestyle, posture, or diet stresses your body and the organs. In this situation, your organs can build tension areas that can lead to ‘viscero-somatic’ pain; for example, an acute kidney infection leading to groin pain. Direct kidney manipulation may stimulate the healing whereas treatment over the pain may infect the area even more. Visceral osteopathy is suitable for curing digest system and better thoracic and abdominal functioning.

Wrapping Up

An ideal osteopathy treatment works on the principle that governs body function. Each osteopath type involves ‘whole body’ for treatment and assessment.

An osteopath draws a variety of techniques that change the body to rejuvenate good structures and functions. So make the most out of this treatment by consulting an experienced and professional Osteopathy Croydon right now.


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