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Looking for the Great Pet Doors? We’ll tell you 3 Secrets to get one

Have you been looking for the best, suitable, and classic pet door lately? If yes, we are here to spill the secret for installing the greatest Sydney pet doors at your home.

Below are the pro techniques to make sure that the pet door is suitable for you, your pet, and the home.

So read ahead!

The Perfect Spot

First things first, choose the right spot for the pet door. You can’t simply install it anywhere in the house. Pick a point that is suitable for your pet and you as well. You have to ensure that the door provides a safe enclosure to your pet and is easily accessible. Also, you are installing a pet because your pet is free to come in and go out of the house. Therefore, installing the door on a white carpet isn’t a great idea as it can easily be ruined by dirty paws. There can be various spots for pet door installation:

  • Walls
  • Sliding Glass Door
  • Back door

You can pick any other part of your home where you want your pet comes first when they enter.

Accurate Size

When it comes to installing the right Sydney Pet Doors, focus on the size. One can’t simply fall for the design by avoiding the size. Your pet door must neither too small nor too big for your pet. Also, there are different doors for different pets and breeds. For example, dog, cat, racoon, etc. and Pomeranian, Persian cat, German shepherd, etc.

Your pet door must meet the followings:

  • Low enough to allow your pet to enter without jumping
  • Tall enough to avoid your pet to crouch each time
  • Wide enough to let your pet enter or go out without squeezing

In case you are looking for a door for multiple pets, ensure that:

  • The top of the door opening should be at least 1inch taller than the tallest pet
  • The stepover height should not be more than ⅓ of the shortest pet

Confused? Don’t be! Experts will help you with choosing the accurate pet door by taking exact measurements.

Australian Pet Doors - Sydney pet doors

Suits Climate

Believe or not, weather plays an important role when it comes to installing a pet door. For harsh environment climates with snow, gusty wind, or extreme heat, you might be skeptical about having a pet door in your home. Of course, nobody likes weather getting inside their home. Tight and insulated pet doors are the only solution for this situation. Electronic pet doors are suitable for such situations. These doors can be closed when your pets are inside the home or just have come inside. These doors prevent snow, dust, wind, heat, rain, etc. from entering your home. Plus, you can prevent strays and other animals from coming inside through a pet door. Such doors are reliable, durable, and need only little maintenance.

These are the key points to install the greatest pet door, Brisbane.

Now that you know the secret, get in touch with experts right today!
