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Repurposing content is one of the most efficient ways for businesses to engage with their audience. The main goal here is to make sure that your core message reaches a broader audience without burning out your existing readers. Content repurposing can help you reach new customers as a part of your SEO Adelaide and even give old customers a reason to keep coming back! Here are some tips on how you can repurpose your content the smart way:

Why Should You Repurpose Content?

There are several reasons why you might want to repurpose your content. The first is that it is a great way to get more value out of your existing content. Suppose that you’ve written an article on how to make a cup of coffee and included instructions, some history on the beverage and how it’s made, what ingredients are required and the benefits of drinking coffee in general.

Now suppose that you have already published this article on your blog or website with no intention of ever changing anything about it again. But by adding some illustrations or videos (or both) and changing up the format slightly so that it reads less like a list but more like an infographic – i.e., lots of pictures with captions beneath them – then suddenly it becomes much more valuable as an educational resource for people who may find reading difficult or who are visually impaired but can still access images.

The benefits of content repurposing

Content repurposing is a great way to get more mileage out of your content, which is one of the reasons why it’s so effective.
It’s a great way to get more traffic and leads, as well as customers. This can help you build your brand and authority in any industry. Content repurposing also allows you to generate more value for your business through multiple channels at once—and it only takes minimal effort!

Genius Tips To Repurpose Content the Smart Way:

Turn Webinars into Video Tutorials

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a webinar, you’ll know how valuable they can be. Whether it’s a live training session or recorded video tutorials, webinars are an excellent way to reach everyone at once. But while they’re great in their own right, they don’t always make sense when watched out of context. Video tutorials, on the other hand—which may be the same content as your webinars—can be repurposed into short and easily digestible videos that can help anyone understand what you’re teaching in an easy-to-follow format.
It’s important to note that video tutorials shouldn’t simply be summaries of your webinars; if anything, they should actually expand upon them. When it comes time to create these videos from existing content (such as transcripts), there are several things you’ll want to keep in mind:

  • Make sure that viewers can follow along easily without distraction or confusion; try breaking up longer pieces with breaks and subheadings, so everything doesn’t become overwhelming at once
  • Keep things short! These aren’t meant for watching over multiple days as some YouTube series might require; just spend enough time laying out key points without boring viewers by going too deep into detail.

Turn blog posts into podcasts.

Podcasts are a fantastic way to repurpose content and reach out to a wider audience as a part of seo Adelaide strategy. They’re easy to consume on the go, and they can be made for free on a number of different platforms—as long as you have an audio recording, you’re good! They’re also great at capturing the attention of your audience because podcasts have an interactive element: listeners have the option of interacting with your podcast by leaving comments or subscribing to future episodes.

You might wonder how you could possibly make money from a podcast without advertisements or sponsorships, just from seo Adelaide services. But there are actually several ways that you can monetize it. One way is through product placement—the same concept as when brands pay celebrities to wear their clothing in public—except it would be like if those products were given away on the show instead (for example: “Here’s our sponsor today: Uber! We’ll be downloading this app while we talk about how they’re disrupting transportation). Another way is selling merchandise related to what’s discussed on-air (e.g., “Want more details about keto diets? Check out our t-shirts!”).

Turn internal data into case studies.

If you have a customer base, it’s likely that your company has some internal data that can be repurposed into case studies. These are great for highlighting specific customer success stories and how they solved a problem, used your product or service, or installed your software.

Make sure the content you repurpose is evergreen.

The key to repurposing content is to ensure that it’s evergreen. This means that the content has relevance for a long period of time, which means it isn’t time-sensitive, seasonal or event-based. For example, if you were writing about a holiday in December and repurposing it for Christmas in January, this would not be considered evergreen because the item would be perceived as outdated after just 2 months.


In the end, repurposing content is all about making it more appealing to your customer personas. Experiment with various media types and channels and see what resonates more. And finally, don’t forget that content repurposing allows you to save time, which means that you’ll have more time to develop new ideas, find new stories and create even better content in the future.
